Achillea millefolium, also
known as Bloodwort is part of the Asteraceae plant family. Native to Europe and North America Yarrow thrives in sunny, warm
areas and is often found in meadows and along roadsides, as well as growing on
dry, sunny slopes.
Yarrow has an
ancient and honorable reputation as a wound herb, particularly efficacious for
stopping the flow of blood. This belief was alluded to in the folknames, most
of which refer to this property. The specific name, millefolium, refers
to the minutely divided leaves and is reflected in names such as Milfoil and
Thousandleaf, a literal translation of the Latin world millefolium.
The name Yarrow is a corruption of
the Anglo-Saxon name for the plant gearwe (the Dutch yerw).
he English name yarrow comes from the Saxon (Old English) word gearwe,
which is related to both the Dutch word gerw and the Old High German
word garawa
The plant, Yarrow, is a common herb in
Northern Indiana. It is a tall gangly plant, with yellow, white or pink flowers which bloom in mid to late summer, which is the
best time for harvesting it. The leaves are featherlike in appearance. It is a
bitter herb.It is one of the most powerful plants on the planet. It is very old—found in archeological digs.
allheal, angel flower, bad man's plaything, bloodwort, cammock, carpenter's weed, devil's nettle, devil's plaything, dog daisy, gordoloba, green arrow, herbe militaris, hierba de las cortadura, knight's milfoil, milfoil, nosebleed, old man's (the devil's) mustard, old man's pepper, plumajillo, sanguinary, soldier's woundwort, squirrel's taile, stanchgrass, stanchweed, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarroway
蓍草自古以來被用來治療刀刃外傷及擦傷,傳說外敷或飲用蓍草汁液,能讓戰士從嚴重的創傷中恢復,故而得名”阿基里斯草”(其種名Achillea)。其他還有別名如”堅強的雜草”(staunchweed)和”士兵的傷草”(Soldier's Woundwort)。蓍草乾燥後製成粉末,和車前草或紫草科植物汁液混合,可以拿來為無法止血的傷口做濕敷,而坐在煮蓍草的大鍋旁吸收其蒸氣據說也十分有益。蓍草做成的軟膏,自古被拿來治療潰瘍,以及黏膜發炎出血的疾病,他也是婦女病的良方,用蓍草茶灌洗陰道據說能治療黴菌感染。印地安的草藥療法也常用到蓍草。納瓦伙族印第安人視其為”生命之草”,可以治療牙痛和耳痛。契帕瓦族印第安人用吸入蓍草蒸氣的方式治頭痛,卻洛奇族則用蓍草茶治感冒。
anti-inflammatory, bowels, bleeding,
blood clots, blood pressure (lowers), blood purifier, blood vessels (tones),
catarrh (acute, repertory), colds, chicken pox, circulation, contraceptive
(unproven), cystitis, diabetes treatment, digestion
(stimulates)gastro-intestinal disorders,[14]
choleretic [16]
dyspepsia, eczema, fevers, flu, gastritis, glandular system, gum ailments,
heartbeat (slow), influenza, insect repellant, inflammation,[17]
internal bleeding, liver (stimulates and regulates), lungs (hemorrhage),
measles, menses (suppressed), menorrhagia, menstruation (regulates, relieves
pain), nipples (soreness), nosebleeds, piles (bleeding), smallpox, stomach
sickness, toothache, thrombosis, ulcers, urinary antiseptic, uterus (tighten
and contract),gastroprotective [19]
varicose veins, vision, may reduce autoimmune responses.[20] |
(1)蓍草又稱為阿基里斯草,據說要從史詩《伊里亞德》中的特洛依戰爭開始說起。阿基里斯在凱龍的推薦下,用蓍草治療受傷的士兵。也有一說” 阿基里斯”一個研究蓍草的醫生的姓名。
(3) 跟阿基里斯比起來,蓍草在大部份的巫術實踐中被認為與阿弗洛蒂緹(維納斯)及金星有關,並常出現在愛情魔法中。在某些版本的神話裡,阿弗洛蒂緹甚至幫助帕里斯王子射中阿基里斯的腳踝,而代表愛的金星與阿基里斯神話(鐵/鏽/血/戰爭)所對應的火星雖是兩兩一組,卻十分相反與對立,雖也有因蓍草能治癒傷口和皮膚紅疹,而與維納斯產生關連的說法,但和傳說部份則有所矛盾。或許蓍草與她的關連是來自於蓍草對女性及陰部疾病的療效。其舒緩肌肉和改善循環的效果對經痛和不規則月經很有幫助,用蓍草茶灌洗陰道能治療黴菌感染,並改善下體黏膜出血,蓍草在歐洲傳統上有著”女性醫療用草”的地位,而蓍草由於羽狀的葉片被叫做”維納斯的睫毛”,也首出於中世紀的詩篇。占星學中的金星植物特性是要有大而香味濃烈的花,故此典故應不是由占星學而來。
中國所使用的蓍草是Achillea sibirica,在中國文化裡有著很重要的地位。《史記‧電策列傳》:王者決定諸疑,參以下筮,斷以蓍龜。也有「天子蓍九尺,諸侯七尺,大夫五尺,士三尺。」這樣的說法,說明了從上到下,蓍草占卜在中國古代決策過程扮演了很重要的角色。
(1) 蓍草在中世紀雖也做為醫療之用,但更在巫術價值上大放異彩,被視為和女性及女巫有關的植物。或許是因為他的苦味,蓍草也被視為與惡魔有關的藥草,他的別名有Devil's Nettle(惡魔蕁麻), Devil's Plaything(惡魔玩物), Bad Man's Plaything(壞人玩物)……等等,說明了他和巫術的關係,但同時他也常做為護身符,阻擋那些也是以其為材料施放的惡咒。撒克遜人的傳統護符草藥包之中就會放蓍草,防範包括強盜、惡狗、失明…….等等各種事情。人們在門檻上播撒蓍草,阻絕不良的影響和邪惡的咒術,並且將小蓍草枝綑在尚未施洗的嬰兒的搖籃上,防止巫婆偷走他的靈魂。蓍草也能用來安胎,讓生產中的孕婦拿著在聖約翰節或夏至收集的蓍草,按在自己的右邊,但必須在小孩子生出來後馬上拿走。蓍草被認為能夠召喚惡魔但也能將其驅除,並被用在古撒克遜的基督教驅魔儀式之中,這個記載於十世紀的儀式十分繁複但也融合了許多異教的成份在其中:”一個給患惡魔病的人喝的飲料,必須用教堂之鈴飲用:Githrife, cynoglossum(琉璃草), yarrow(蓍草), lupin(羽扇豆), flower-de-luce(鳶尾花), fennel(茴香), lichen(地衣), lovage(獨活草). Work
up to a drink with clear ale(啤酒), sing
seven masses(彌撒) over it, add garlic(大蒜) and holy water(聖水), and let the possessed sing the _Beati
Immaculati_; then let him drink the dose out of a church bell, and let the
priest sing over him the _Domine Sancte Pater Omnipotens_."這個飲料會讓當事人嘔吐,即代表將惡魔吐出來,當事人所有飲食中都必須加入這個配方。然後對著當事人吟唱詩篇Psalms 119, 67, 69,最後,彌撒祭司會對當事人訴說祝福之語。十三世紀神學家大阿爾伯特用蓍草加蕁麻來對抗自己的恐懼和自我貶抑,古歐洲人也習慣喝蓍草茶提升心靈力量,或許也與此有關。
除此之外,和很多其他植物一樣,中世紀的蓍草也擔負了愛情方面的習俗及夢占功能。蓍草常常被放入婚禮的花束或花圈之中,或放在新房的床頭,據說能夠保持心人的真愛在七年內永不變。這裡有許多的”小咒語”:將其千羽葉放入鼻子中搔弄並說” Yarroway, Yarroway,
bear a white blow,If my love love me, my nose will bleed now. If my love do not love me, it won't bleed a drop,If my
love loves me, 'twill bleed every drop.”(蓍草,蓍草,承載著白色的氣息,如果我的心上人也愛我,我的鼻子現在就會流血,如果我的心上人不愛我,他便一滴血都不流,如果我的心上人愛我,他便每滴血不停流)。將蓍草縫在法蘭絨放在枕頭底下,睡前唸:”Thou pretty herb of
Venus' tree, Thy true name it is Yarrow;Now who my bosom friend must be,Pray
tell thou me tomorrow.”(你這個維納斯的美麗香草,你真正的名字是蓍草,誰會是我的知心好友,祈求你明天告訴我),據說可以在夢中看見未來的先生/太太的影像,但據說如果夢到萵苣,代表不幸或死亡即將來臨。
另外有一個來自英國南邊的咒語,少女從年輕男性的墓旁撿一個蓍草枝,並唸:”Yarrow, sweet Yarrow,
the first I have found,In the name of Jesus Christ, I pluck it from the
ground.As Jesus loved sweet Mary and took her for his dear,So in a dream this
night,I hope my true love will appear.”(蓍草,甜美的蓍草,我最先找到的,在耶穌基督之名下從地上摘來的,像耶穌愛甜美的瑪麗並將她當成親愛的,今晚的夢中,我的真愛也會出現),然後將它放在枕頭底下。這個咒語應是來自古老的傳統,後來才用耶穌的名諱替代古老的異教神。除了跟中國的易經典故有關,這些習俗也衍生到現代,讓蓍草成為一種和占卜、超時空連結、預言夢等有關的植物。
北美洲的原住民Potawatomi人將蓍草的花及種子當做”活煤炭”,用花煙燻身體來驅逐惡靈,而種子放在平底鍋上煎出來的煙據說可以用來驅逐女巫。A. millefolium var. occidentalis(生長於北美洲的亞種) 便出現在Ojibwa人關於儀式蒸氣浴(Sweat lodge ceremonies)的“‘kinnikinnick”(在北美洲原住民部落中常見,具有不同配方的吸入用混合草煙)配方裡。儀式蒸氣浴是一種北美原住民中盛行的淨化儀式,在打獵、行刑或舉行祭儀前舉行。
基督教的傳說之中,木匠St. Joseph(聖母瑪麗亞的丈夫)曾在工作時受重傷,他採了一些蓍草放在傷口上,傷口馬上停止流血並且神奇地癒合了。故蓍草在法文中被稱為herbe de Saint-Joseph或herbe a charpentier(木匠之草)。
Modern lore recommends
waiting for the first yarrow bloom and using it to make a wish which should
manifest prior to the harvest. The flowers are often included in Rituals of
Union and are considered sacred to the Horned God.
Horned God
Bad Man’s Plaything,
Carpenter’s Weed,
Devil’s Nettle,
Devil’s Plaything,
Milfoil, Nosebleed,
Old Man’s Pepper,
Soldier’s Woundwort,
Thousand Weed, Yarroway
“Yarrow was included in
the medicine bundle [for the August Festival or Lammas] along with mugwort,
arnica,calendula, and sage. In addition there were such well-known herbs as
lovage (Levisticum officinale), which was valued as a
culinary spice and an aphrodisiac, and dill (Anethum graveolens), which was trusted to
ward off any illwilled spirits. Dill’s powerful aroma is probably also the
reason the ancient peoples, such as the Scythians, used the herb with other
aromatic herbs for the embalming of their dead. Dill, a garden herb brought to
central Europe by monks, not only chased off the Buhlteufel but also suppressed
fertility (Muller, 1982:77). And a bride who didn’t want to be subjected to her
husband’s will could secretly bring mustard and dill seeds to her wedding and
murmur, ‘I have you, mustard and dill. Husband, when I speak, you stay still!’”63
a sprig of
dried yarrow flower and leaf, because it is known as natures bandaid. it heals
the worst of ouchies, even deep emotional wounds. in this application, achillea
millifolium refers to Achilles, the great warrior. yarrow washes out the wound
and purifies the site of injury- in this case, the heart. according to matthew
wood, yarrow "is suited to conditions where the mind is sometimes dim or
restless", the blood stagnant or flowing ceaselessly. it is known as
"the wounded warrior remedy" and is helpful for those who have been
brought to their knees, despite putting up a brave fight.
Yarrow is used for divination and love spells and in spells for contacting or seeking out a specific person.
The stalks are traditionally used for casting the I Ching and the flowers can be added to dream pillows to encourage prophetic dreams. Rubbing your eyelids with yarrow is said to enhance psychic abilities. It can be used in incense or oil to cleanse the aura, and for divination. Yarrow tea can also be drunk prior to divination, and to help the mind focus on a specific issue, or avoid distractions. Especially useful for psychic communication with a loved one and, when in times of strife, can help you and your loved one see things from each others' point of view.
Magical: Yarrow is said to aid in love spells, either to
strengthen relationships or to attract new love, and to have the power to keep
a couple together for seven years. For these uses the leaves are crushed and
placed into a sachet, often with a mix of other herbs. Sleeping with yarrow
under your pillow is said to give you a vision of your future husband or wife.
The tea is used to enhance psychic powers, and the plant is carried to promote
courage. It is also used in divination, burned or made into tea, and for
protection, hung about the home or worn on the body. Some Native American
tribes burned it to ward off evil spirits, and it was sometimes smoked
ritually. Remains of yarrow were found in an excavation of a Neanderthal grave,
suggesting that yarrow played a role in their burial ceremonies. This means
yarrow has been in use at least 60,000 years, based on the estimated date of
the site.
The associations with love
divination and other forms of ‘spellcasting’ earned Yarrow its additional names
of Devil’s Nettle and Devil’s Plaything. Another form of love divination
involved sewing an ounce of Yarrow in flannel an placing it under one’s pillow
and repeating a certain verse, in order to cause the vision of one’s intended
to appear.
A bunch of yarrow dried and hung over the bed, or used in
wedding decor, will ensure a love lasting at least seven years. Bereyl says in A compendium of Herbal Magick that "Modern lore recommends waiting for the first yarrow bloom and using it to make a wish which should manifest prior to the harvest. The flowers are often included in rituals of union and are considered sacred to the Horned God."
Considering its usefulness in combating melancholy, it is no surprise that Yarrow is also good for use with affirmations, in dealing with troubled emotions and healing, and for cleansing of depression.